J Haslett And Sons https://www.autosynergy.co.uk/assets/logos/.png

J Haslett And Sons

11 Learmount Road
County Londonderry
BT47 4AQ

Call Now
Website: www.jhaslettandsons.co.uk

Contact J Haslett & Sons in Claudy find out more about the range of specialist adaptations that can be fitted to your vehicle.

Adaptations usually fall into 3 categories:

Driving Adaptations - Adaptations that help you to drive

Stowage Adaptations - Adaptations that help you stow a wheelchair or scooter

Access Adaptations - Adaptations that help you get in and out of the car

A specialist will assess your needs and offer advice on adaptations, driving safely and ways to get in and out of a vehicle comfortably.

If you need help with a mobility adaptation for your vehicle get in touch for some expert advice and improve the quality of your car journeys.

Vehicle Adaptations
