Specialist Vehicle Rental

Kudhail House
238 Birmingham Road
West Midlands
B43 7AH

Call Now Website: link.motaclarity.co.uk/Specialist-WAV-Rental

Specialist Vehicle Rental are a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV) and adapted car rental company that hires affordable vehicles on flexible short- and long-term rentals. They offer every customer an individual telephone consultation to make sure they choose the right vehicle and adaptation. Specialist Vehicle Rental provide a nationwide service and their pick-up and drop off service covers the whole of the UK.

Get A WAV Hire Quote

Specialist Vehicle Rental also have a small number of WAVs and adapted cars for sale that can be tested via their 'Try Before You Buy' offer. Get in touch with the team to find out more. 


Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles

Check out the WAV range from Specialist Vehicle Rental: